SCAMS & FRAUDS is the official surströmming page
Our website is NOT affiliated or connected with any other website selling surströmming
Our website is NOT affiliated or connected with any other website selling surströmming
Examples of known scammers:
From time to time, we get emails from fraud victims who believe we are affiliated with these fraudulent websites. These websites have also been stealing and republishing content from our website. In other words, clear illegal copyright infringements.
If you're a victim of fraud, we recommend that you take the following steps:
If you're a victim of fraud, we recommend that you take the following steps:
- POLICE - You must contact the Police to stop these scammers and to be able to get your money back. File a report by calling the Police. If you have ordered from any of the websites above, call the Swedish Police: 0046 77 114 14 00. For other websites, contact your local Police.
- BANK CARD - If you used a bank card, contact your bank and report the illegal transaction. If you have filed a police report, send it to your bank, and they will, in most cases, be able to get your money back.
- PAYPAL - If you paid with PayPal, log in to your PayPal account, click on the specific transaction, scroll down on the page that opens, and click on Resolution Center. Under Issues with your purchase, click on I want a refund for some or all of the items in this order, and follow the instructions the make the claim.